As a Full-Service Pharmaceutical Provider, Our Logistics Department is Extremely Versatile. We go beyond mere storage and shipping, offering our clients services such as returns and complaint management, product recalls, and the proper disposal of pharmaceuticals. With over 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry, care and reliability are always at the forefront of our processes.
To ensure that our medical products and pharmaceuticals meet the highest quality standards, we strictly adhere to GDP (Good Distribution Practice) guidelines in all our workflows. A key component of this is our scanner system, which ensures the traceability of every item. This system supports us in all processes from goods receipt through picking and shipping to returns management. Every employee in our logistics department is equipped with a handheld scanner to manage the products.
In goods receipt, we check whether the delivery is complete and contains the correct products. The goods are then stored at a designated location. Using the scanner, the product code is linked to the storage location code. In our ERP system, we can see which goods are located where and in what quantity. The code contains important information such as name, batch number, serial number, and quantity. Every movement of the goods is accurately documented, and all data and changes are accessible in real-time.
During picking, each employee uses a handheld scanner to avoid errors and ensure seamless traceability of the goods. The scanner displays customer orders. Each product is scanned to ensure that the correct goods in the correct quantity are picked and to monitor the path of the goods: from their location to arrival at the customer and the quantity delivered.
In returns management and product recalls, the scanner also plays an important role. It is used to check incoming goods and ensure that they are genuine pharmaceuticals and not counterfeits. Additionally, the scanner registers the further handling of the goods: whether they are to be disposed of or reintegrated into stock.
Our COO, Harald Rohatsch, explained, “Through the training process, employees quickly recognize that the scanner is a helpful tool.” In cases of incorrect scans, the scanner emits warning signals to indicate errors. With a large display and user-friendly handling, the scanner is easy to operate and extremely robust. “Especially in the area of errors, we have had positive experiences, reducing the error rate by more than half. Our error rate is now below 1%,” confirmed Rohatsch.
Our clients greatly appreciate our care and precise work. During regular audits by the regional government as well as by clients, we consistently achieve excellent results. Our goal is to continuously improve the high-quality standards of pharmaceuticals and patient safety.
© 2024, MSK Pharmalogistic GmbH. All rights reserved.
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